Saturday, February 28, 2009

Why is it

that when you transport something by car it is called a shipment but when you transport something by ship it is called cargo?

Blackberry Bullet

Just came across this video of a Blackberry Bullet being shot at an all too familiar looking fruit. The ad ends with the words 'The world's first touch screen blackberry. Nothing can touch it.'

I love advertising that takes pot shots at competition. Literally.

Here's the video...


Dusty usual.

The funny thing is my respiratory system has gotten so used to it, it's like breathing in fresh air.

Most places are known for their beaches or mountains or rivers or just the weather (the good kind). Kuwait is known for it's dust, and for the thousands of allergic people who live here.

Friday, February 27, 2009


I have a pretty much mundane work life. Nothing very exciting, just very hectic at times. Rather, most of the time. I've lived in Q8 all my life (I was born here). The only time I was away from Q8 for an extended period of time was when I was doing my graduation in India. I spend 4 wonderful years of my life doing absolutely nothing, except of getting drunk and watching a LOT of movies. After completing my education, me & my family came to the mutual decision that i should come back to Q8, find work and settle down. 'Settling down' is the preferred term used by Indians which basically means to stay put. And that is exactly what I'm doing now, staying put.


to my unsure attempt at trying to connect with the world and in turn, trying to connect with myself. I wouldn't be posting anything specific, just some random thoughts that enter my mind now & then. I think the below image perfectly captures my view on life...
Till next time...