Friday, March 20, 2009


Anyone remember Thundercats? That late 80's American cartoon show about cat-like humanoids from the planet Thundera. The show was created by Ted Wolf and was rated the 49th best TV show out of the Top 100 Best Animated TV shows ever.

I remember as a kid, I used to love watching Thundercats (along with other cartoons like Transformers & Scooby-Doo). They used to air it on KTV 3. I also had a lot of their merchandise like the Lion-O action figure and a life size sword, complete with lights. A lot of childhood memories are linked to Thundercats and other TV shows.

I've heard that they are turning it into a movie. I would love to watch it, but in the meanwhile, here is the TV intro...

On a completely unrelated note, I used to love going to KFC as a kid. Not for the delicious, deep-fired chicken goodness, but for the the toys they used to give out with their kid's meals. But what i remember most is if the guy behind the till would give a toy which i already had, I would almost fight with him to give me another toy; no matter how many times he would say that they don't have any other in stock :-)

Good old days when all I had to worry about is whether I have the entire collection of the Thundercats merchandise...

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